I believe in creating a culture of gratitude and with that I want to begin this journey thanking the people that have inspired and assisted me in creating my artfulmatters.net blog site. Without all of you, Artful Matters would not have come to fruition!
To My Parents:
First, I would not be here without the love and affection of my parents, Debra and Tim. Even though we may not have always seen eye to eye, they have always been supportive of who I am, my goals, dreams and general outlandish ways. They gave me the grounding I needed to grow up to be a man with morals, determination and the manners to be an upstanding citizen and all around decent human being. Thank you for being you and making me who I am today!
To The Vendors:
A great BIG THANK YOU to all the vendors that helped me build the ARTFUL MATTERS world:
Eric Pertzog – Grafico
Aeon Studio – Web Design
Yanni Velez of Vidpix.com – Photography
Boca Raton Waldorf Astoria Team – Backdrop for Gala and Elegance photo spread.
Melissa from M&M Stables – Backdrop for Horse and Barn photo spread.
Celeste Miller PR – Introduction to M&M Stables, Tracy Stern Tea & Co and general support.
Sole Sastre and Palette Magazine Team – Helping me find my voice as a writer.
Dana Rhoden of Dana Agency – PR support and influence.
Jessica Wade-Pfeffer of JWI PR – support and influence.
Christofle Silver– giving me the path to see my passion for Art of the Table and Social Protocol.
Friends and Family:
To all my friends and family who have helped me over the years and listened to all my crazy ideas and concepts that lead to creating this site – THANK YOU for your love, support and patience. I know I can be dramatic and trying at times, so thank you for always being there when I needed you all.
My Husband:
And finally to my biggest support system – MY LOVING HUSBAND – thank you for kicking me in the ass when I need it, giving me your shoulder when I need to cry, being an ear when I need to bitch and always being my biggest cheerleader. I love you very much!
Now on with the show!
Darling Justin, This site is SO you and how lovely that the world now gets to catch a glimpse of your life one Artful Matter at a time. I’m looking forward to following your #crazytrabertlife in print. Bravo!!! xoxo
Dear JT, I’m very happy to see that you have brought your dream to reality – Kudos to you!, Love, AJ